
This is why you’re struggling with creativity (it’s not what you think)

Pals, it’s time for some tough love. We’ve talked about mental health for creatives before and about taking care of your physical health when you’re a writer, but I feel like there’s still something I need to say. You’re struggling with your creativity because your priorities are wrong and you suck at self-care. If you’re […]

This is why you’re struggling with creativity (it’s not what you think) Read More »

8 simple health and self-care tips for writers that you can’t miss

Thankfully there isn’t anything inherently unhealthy about being a writer, but focusing so much on work that primarily happens inside our heads while our bodies are mostly staying sedentary can have detrimental effects on our health. But fear not, you don’t have to worry about your body falling apart because of your next best-selling novel

8 simple health and self-care tips for writers that you can’t miss Read More »

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