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I have to start with a confession – despite my ADHD, I don’t actually have a big problem with staying focused on writing. Besides crocheting and video games, it’s pretty much the only thing that I never get bored of.
I’m not as lucky with most other things, however, and I hate how many activities I’ve either abandoned after a brief period of being really excited about them or that I struggle with staying focused on so that I could finish them in a timely manner. But for you, writing might be one of those difficult things, which was why I wanted to share some writing tips for ADHD adults.
(Just adding here that when I say staying focused on my writing is easy, I mean writing fiction. In the middle of writing the previous paragraph, I got sidetracked and started googling different types of speech impediments. It’s so frustrating that I can’t just finish a task without getting distracted and sometimes I really hate myself for it. I don’t say that because I want you to feel bad for me, but so that you understand I do know what I’m talking about. Anyway, let’s get to my tips for writers with ADHD.)
Related post: How to start writing a book (and finish it, too)
ADHD and writing: make sure your story genuinely matters to you
Novelty is one of those things that ADHD people really love, but if you want to be able to continue beyond the initial excitement, you need to make sure that what you’re writing really matters to you.
I’m certainly not a stranger to starting a new story and then getting sick of it in a couple of weeks because it didn’t really feel like something I must write. But you know what kept me working on What Birds Are Made Of for two and a half years and what compelled me to start working on it again to pursue getting published in the UK? My burning desire to share that story with the world. I genuinely feel like there are people out there in the world who absolutely need to read that story and I want to share it with them.
If you just want to write for fun or you want to improve your writing skills, there’s nothing wrong with hopping from project to project. But if you want to finally finish writing something, you need to find something that is genuinely going to keep going. Writing a story for the right reasons is a good way to start.
Have different projects and hobbies when you’re writing with ADHD
You know what else I like besides writing fiction? Crocheting, volunteering for Red Cross, watching 90 Day Fiance, going for walks and painting with acrylics, just to name a few things. If I filled my life with only writing fiction, writing a blog and writing Instagram captions, I would burn out in less than a week.
I started my own business for a few reasons, but one of the reasons was being able to choose what I focus on during my work days. I tend to focus on one thing before lunch and then on another thing after it because my brain just feels fried if I have to keep doing the same thing all day. Sometimes it can’t be avoided, like when I was working on the lessons in Writing Your First Novel, but it definitely makes me uncomfortable and antsy and it makes me feel pretty burned out in the long run.
I can’t tell you how long you should focus on your writing before you need to switch to a different activity, but if you struggle with finishing your writing projects, I would say sooner is better than later. Never let yourself write so long that you become tired of it. That way you’ll keep your “appetite” for writing longer and your brain will welcome the break.
Have other projects you can finish quickly
Although I love writing and it’s my life’s work, there’s an unsatisfying aspect to it: it takes a heckin’ long time to finish writing a novel.
Finishing a cool painting of a raven or a crochet hat, though? Much quicker, even if I procrastinate.
For ADHD people, finishing projects doesn’t feel as rewarding as it does for other people. It’s a brain chemistry thing. Still, when you’re working in a big project with no end in sight, like when you’re writing a novel, you need the release of finishing something. It’s not as much “having a lot of work” that makes us feel burnt out, it’s never finishing anything.
Mind you, I’m not suggesting you start five different projects that you never finish either. Pick something you can finish in one sitting no matter how tiny and insignificant it ends up being if you can’t manage anything longer. It’ll be a nice palate cleanser for your brain and it tidies up space for your writing.
Have another writing project to work on
This is one of those ADHD writing tips I don’t personally apply, but I have writer friends who find this very helpful. Try it out and see which camp you’re in.
You can have a primary writing project and a side hustle, or you could have multiple projects that are equally important – whatever works for you. If you need to focus on something big and important, like writing a novel that you want to get published, it can be helpful to have other writing projects that aren’t as important where you can do as you please.
Although I don’t actually act on these plans while I focus on my Big Writing Projects, I like daydreaming about stories where I include all my favourite tropes or that are based on my favourite video games.
This tip probably works best if your projects are at different stages. Maybe you’re writing the first draft for one story while editing another. Just don’t go starting new projects every day, I’d say two different projects should be the maximum if you tend to start stories that you never finish.
Don’t try to escape the difficult parts of writing
The purpose of having multiple writing projects is to give your brain a break and to keep some novelty in your life. The purpose is NOT to give you an escape route when you want to avoid the parts of the writing process that you don’t like.
If you hate editing, sure, take a break from it. (Although if you follow my novel editing tips, you might not even dislike it.) But don’t keep starting new stories to avoid your other projects indefinitely because I told you to have more than one writing project! I did not give you permission to do that. Bad writer. Get back to your desk.
Don’t have a daily writing routine if that bores you
The thing with daily writing routines is that they only work if you can make them work. If you have a “routine” that you never stick to and it makes you feel bad, there’s absolutely no point to it.
I’ve written about this before, but I need to commit to working out every day or else I never get it done. If I decide I’m going to work out three times per week, I will wait until Friday to do it the first time, and then it’s remarkably easy to find excuses not to do it after all and decide to do it “next week”. But if I decide to do it every day, I’m more likely to do it at least four times per week. If you don’t have ADHD, it’s probably difficult to understand the thought process behind that, but that’s how it works for me.
However, writing is different for me because it’s harder to find a specific block of time for it every day, which is why I am more of a writing opportunist. Instead of trying to write every day and then failing to do it because my life is so unpredictable (weird mental health and small children will do that to you), I just commit to writing any chance I can, whether it’s five minutes or five hours.
You might also find routines boring, which is totally fine. You don’t have to force it if they just don’t work for your unique brain. Instead, you could have a weekly or monthly writing goal that you work towards whenever you can or you could dedicate a random day per week completely to your writing. Find whatever works for you and then do it.
When your writing project is too big
I like project-based working because there’s a definite end to the work and then you don’t have to do it again. With novels, however, it’s impossible to say how many drafts it’s going to take and the length of time is measured in years rather than weeks.
This doesn’t mean you should start writing short stories instead or that you need to skimp on quality. I’m just saying that it might be helpful to not think about your entire novel and just focus on smaller goals. If your entire first draft feels like a huge job, focus on writing the first 40K words and then the next 40K words.
I’m putting this here because I talked about having monthly and weekly goals, and it can sometimes be difficult to see any goals between starting your novel and finishing the final draft. It’s easier to stay consistent when you feel like you’re making progress, and smaller milestones can help you achieve that.
Eliminate analysis paralysis when you’re writing a book with ADHD
Even if you decide not to have a set routine, you might still need to enforce some rules when it comes to your writing. If you decide there’s a certain time when you’re going to write, don’t let yourself get out of it and don’t try to negotiate with yourself.
Making decisions is tiring for your brain, which is why it’s difficult to do it if we’ve already spent energy on something else. That’s why it’s always best to make decisions ahead of time and then just ACT when it’s time to write. It’ll eventually become automatic.
Even if you like to fly by the seat of your pants, make those decisions before it’s time to sit down to write, even if it’s just in the shower or during your commute. You need to know what you’re going to do in your writing session or else you might spend all that time wondering and pondering. And most importantly, don’t change your mind and don’t engage in “yeah but what if”.
Follow a system when you’re writing a novel with ADHD
Some people with ADHD find systems boring. Me, I find them comforting. They’re like a map that show me where I’m supposed to be when I veer off path. They’re a rope I cling to when the winds of chaos try to blow me away.
If you’re only just figuring out how to write a novel, you might spend endless time learning and figuring out how to do things the “right way” and never starting anything. I don’t want that for you. Check out my writing process and feel free to take any of the steps for your own use.
Plan your stories – if it works for you
I personally love to outline my stories extensively and it keeps me on the right track. However, you might feel differently.
I don’t think it’s wise to start writing a novel without any kind of a plan but it depends on the individual writer how much planning is required. I get more easily distracted if I don’t know what I’m writing, which is why I like to outline my stories scene by scene and it’s actually my favourite part of the process.
You, on the other hand, might benefit from a looser outline that keeps you focused while leaving more room for discovery. (By the way, my quick outline grid and my story structure map are easy and fun outlining tools that will definitely help with this.)
If you’re worried that you’d get so stuck outlining your story that you’d never actually start writing it, why not set yourself the goal of finishing your outline in 30 days? It’s totally doable and I give you all the steps to it in Outline Your Novel in 30 Days.
Try the headlights method
You know when you’re driving a car in the dark and you know where you’re going but you can’t see ahead of you further than what the headlights show you? You can do that with your writing, too.
So you don’t want to plan every step of your novel. You still should have an idea of what your POV character wants from the scene that you’re writing and more importantly why the want it. You should know where it takes place and what happened before it.
Editing your story ends up being a lot easier when your story makes sense. Sometimes it can be pretty much impossible to edit a good story out of a nonsensical mess. That’s why, even if you don’t want to plan your whole story, you need to stop and think “what has lead to this? where will this go?” before you write a single scene.
Try different kinds of outlines
Maybe the words “novel outline” make you think of a summary of your novel, perhaps spanning multiple pages and written like an official synopsis. Yeah, that sounds boring to me, too.
I like lists, and that’s why my outlines often are just massive lists of scenes and plot events and characters. That’s what works for me, maybe you’d like it too. Or maybe you’d prefer a less linear way of presenting your plot and you’d rather create a mindmap? Or maybe you’re a visual person and you want to create a storyboard for your novel? It’s all possible.
Don’t let your old ideas of what an “outline” should be to stop you from planning your story in a way that works for you. It could be what you need to finally finish writing that book.
Have you tried writing in a different environment?
If you can’t bring variation to your writing, perhaps you can change where you write.
I like having a writing space where I know I’m always in Writing Mode, but you might like changing the scenery every now and then. Coffee shops are a favourite for many writers, but they can be busy and distracting.
You can try writing in a library, in a park, or perhaps at your friend’s place. My friend likes coming over to my place when she has to work on something she has trouble focusing on – maybe you also have friends you could rely on that way. Call it a co-working session, if you want to make it sound more formal.
Take away distractions
I know, I know. You’ve heard this before, haven’t you? It’s also easier said than done because sometimes the distraction is coming from inside the house. As in, you could be writing in a completely empty room, but you could still zone out and start daydreaming. You are the distraction. It has already happened to me a few times while writing this blog post. (Another thing that happened was realising I had forgotten the laundry in the washing machine five hours ago.)
Just put that phone away, okay? It’s the least you can do. And if you’re prone to daydreaming, it can actually be helpful to have something on TV while you write even if it sounds counterproductive. I’ve found it’s a lot easier to tear my attention away from a TV show than from my own inner world, although you should choose something that you’ve seen previously or something that you’re not remarkably interested in so you don’t get sucked into it too deep.
Try noise-cancelling headphones with white noise or classical music
I know you’ve probably heard of and tried every trick in the book before when it comes to removing distractions from your workplace, but this is my blog after all and I’m going to share what works for me even if it’s the oldest trick in the book for you personally.
So, noise-cancelling headphones – they’re the best thing I’ve ever been gifted. Sure, they don’t cancel every noise out there because they work the best on low frequencies rather than screaming children. They’re still the best option for quieting the environment, especially those annoying inescapable sounds of traffic, conversations and humming laptop fans.
Listening to your own playlist can be good, but be careful that you don’t choose any music that will cause you to daydream or think about other things. This is why I prefer listening to instrumental music like soundtracks or classical music, or I choose a white noise playlist with nature sounds or something. It keeps me on the task at hand.
ADHD writing tools to stay focused
Getting distracted while writing is a common problem but fortunately there are tools that help with that. Here’s a few that I know of.
Calmly Writer offers you a distraction-free interface. With the focus mode, you only have to see the paragraph you’re currently editing, which I find extremely useful when I’m editing the finer details of my writing.
Focus Writer lets you block out everything else on your computer while you write. You can give yourself a word-count-based or a time-based goal that you need to hit before you can stop, and you can even make it so that you can only see the line that you’re currently writing.
Ulysses gives you a few more options for organising your writing than the previous ones but not so much that you’d use that as an excuse to procrastinate on your writing. However, it’s only available for Apple devices, so I haven’t personally tried it.
And of course, there’s my favourite tool of all: the humble notebook. You can’t check Instagram on your Moleskine or Leuchtturm and not even on your prettiest Victoria’s Journals notebook.
Celebrate any progress you make with your writing
Trying to be perfect all the time is only going to hurt you, which is why you should be happy about any progress you make instead of berating yourself for not being as focused on your writing as you’d like.
Listen, it’s hard. Even people without ADHD can struggle with writing so you’re definitely not alone. Being hard on yourself because your brain is wired differently does not help you one bit, but what does help is giving yourself some grace and staying curious about what does work for you. If you wrote nothing but one sentence today, I’m still proud of you.
ADHD writing tips for editing your novel
I personally love editing my writing and I believe it’s at least 90% because I know what I’m doing. But when you dive into editing not knowing what to do except for “welp, I need to make this writing better”, it becomes a nearly unsurmountable task, especially if you have ADHD.
If you’ve got 300 pages to edit and you approach editing with the wrong techniques, you’ll never make any progress. You can’t start every round of edits (i.e. a new draft) on page 1 and then proceed to the last page, and then start all over again. If you did that, no wonder you found editing exhausting and awful.
Every round of edits needs a specific purpose. The more specific, the faster you’ll be done and the sooner you can check it off your to-edit list. If you don’t know how to do this, check out my post for the right way to edit your novel and never get stuck in the editing process again. Then, know when to stop editing your novel.
These are techniques that I teach everyone, not just people with ADHD, and it could be that my approach is coloured by my own neurodivergence, but I’ve also been inspired by Stein On Writing so I haven’t just pulled all this out of my fabulous hat.
Would you like an easy way to organise your writing even if your brain is disorganised?
Are you using Notion yet? You should! I really love how you can use it to keep all your thoughts and ideas in one place – somewhere a lot safer than your chaotic brain. And because I want everyone to succeed with their writing, I created the Novel-Writing Dashboard that has everything you need to plan and write your novel. It’s like a planner and a workbook all at once. It even comes with a query tracker because I’m so confident you’ll actually finish writing our novel.
I know most Notion templates strive to be *aesthetic*, but I wanted to make this one useful and not distracting. If you want it to look pretty, feel free to customise it yourself as long as you don’t use that as an excuse to procrastinate on your writing. Yeah, I see you.
Protagonist Crafts is a blog about writing fiction, written by a published author and creative writing teacher. You can find more writing tips and inspiration in the blog and you can get the best author tools at Writer Lifestyle on Etsy.